Treatise on the United Sinners of Anathema (USA)

Treatise on The United Sinners of Anathema (USA)

November 19, 2023

AUDIO: Grievance Hearing James R. Earls and the International Brotherhood of Teamsters Union (IBT) vs. United Parcel Service (UPS) (1 hour: 15 minutes and 18 seconds in length) (Participants: First voice that uses the word “synopsis” is Teamsters Local 402 union official, Joe Gronek. The second voice is James Earls who uses the words “You already have…”. The Third voice is UPS’s labor supervisor.) Current 35-year UPS employee and former Chief job steward, organizer, and former member of the IBT, James R. Earls, has no fear in standing for Christ against UPS, a global corporation with a market capital value of $145.8 Billion as of May 2023 and the Teamsters union, historically one of the most corrupt labor unions in U.S. history.

Treatise Begins:

Note: Evidence for this treatise is also found at the website.

The haunting silence disgorged from the body of today’s church is deafening. This deliberate heaviness of the ears, along with the seared consciences of many congregants, undeniably contributes to the societal decay we currently witness. And just when it seemed that the social order in America couldn’t become more depraved, a deeply disturbing story emerges attacking God in the public arena, exposing a severe brazen act of blasphemy against His Son Jesus Christ and ultimately revealing the dark, covert war that’s violently waging against Christians in America. America stands at a crossroads. No longer can this onslaught against God be confined to the private, domestic sphere or to that of the individual’s belief.

And, unless your conscience is so seared, this exposé should compel each of us to come face to face with our inner selves, prompting us to address a series of crucial questions that are thrust to the forefront. The first of these begins with the examination of our own moral integrity, asking, “Once you fully grasp the gravity of this heinous story and overall diabolical plot, will you still choose to remain silent and allow these wrongdoers to escape the consequences they deserve?”

Having become a cynic of people’s true convictions, I can’t help but predict that the silent majority’s response to this forthcoming significant revelation will not be something marked by a massive eruption of incensed righteous indignation or, at a minimum, a unified half-hearted demand for accountability by the public. However, if it should reach a point of boiling over, I imagine that its duration will be short-lived and quickly cool. It will persist only until those who are orchestrating the events dangle some new, captivating, shiny distraction before us. I hope fervently that my prediction is proven incorrect.

Don’t you know that the political class in Washington D.C. are exact mirror reflections of ourselves exposing our own lack of values and morals as a society? As Americans, no one can dispute that we all love lawlessness. We love being lied to and stolen from. We worship traitors and embrace the treason they commit with open—welcoming arms. We love being brought under the subjugation of the criminal state. We love the murder of the innocent. We love homosexuality and the perversions that it entails. We love being cowards. We love corruption. We love to hate.

Also, we must love the evil in Washington because we keep voting all of these career criminals back into office. Apparently, all of this sin and wickedness doesn’t matter to anyone—that is—unless it directly affects the individual’s pocketbook or interferes with any of their selfish pleasures within this fallen world. And now, maybe, you may better understand the source of my cynicism.

However, it seems likely that what we’ll get is the immense displeasure of once again having to endure the familiar disheartening silence that we have grown accustomed to. As for this pseudo-quietude, just know that it doesn’t solely stem from the fanatic followers of self-centered, narcissistic groups, nor does it originate with any of the others that muddle their timidity in a hodgepodge blend of differing socio-psychological concepts such as the two-favorite go-to’s of the “pew warmer bunch”—the bystander effect and the diffusion of social responsibility.

As for the readers of this exposé, they need to realize that they can no longer evade accountability by pretending that either others are responsible for taking action or have already done so. So, they can try to “church up” cowardice in various ways all they want just so they can sleep in comfort. But, at its core, no matter what you call it—cowardice remains just that—well,—cowardice.

The Wokeism Religion

As I just finished mentioning, you will find that this pervasive silence extends far beyond being tied to just one specific group and it actually encompasses a multitude of individuals, particularly the progressive neo-Christianity practicing members who are deeply rooted in the present-day apostate-affirming church. These individuals, who voluntarily choose a wide path leading to self-condemnation and to exist in an eternal state of anathema—these modern-day, wide-awake “heretics,” along with their ardent followers whom I collectively call the Anathemites, hold the false belief that their humanistic warped interpretations of the teachings of Jesus Christ actually have the blessings of God to transcend and redesign the boundaries of what He has declared to be sin. The Holy Word of God is clear on man rewriting and misinterpreting the Word, when in 2 Peter 1:20-21, it states”

20 “knowing this first, that no prophecy of Scripture is of any private interpretation,”

21 “for prophecy never came by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit.” (NKJV)

I find that their highly publicized, closely held beliefs—beliefs that are still considered by most dedicated followers of Christ to be extreme, controversial, or unacceptable even within the ethos of what’s considered the charge given to Christians to demonstrate reasonable tolerance, diversity, compassion—the basic tenets of Agape love.

I’ve come to realize that many philosophical and cultural movements within postmodern-affirming churches place a strong emphasis on the principles of relativism and inclusivity, which are at the heart and soul of the “Wokeism religion.”

Followers of this relativistic ideology evaluate truth and falsehood based on personal experiences. (Romans 1:22) This wicked counter-perspective allows for a diverse spectrum of beliefs, behaviors, and ideas to coexist without rigid judgments, which, of course, as you see, includes the strong-armed acceptance of homosexuality, lesbianism, transgenderism, same-sex marriage, and the perverted sexualization and exploitation of our innocent children. (Romans 1:26-27)

The Anathemites of the Wokeism religion consider these to be valid forms of sexual expression, all of which are stark in contrast to the traditional Judeo-Christian principle concerning the innocence of children, heterosexuality, monogamy, abstinence, and marriage. (Romans 1:24) It matters not to them that they are not rooted in God’s word, nor that they all promote sinful behavior and deny that God exists. (Romans 1:19-20)

High Priestess

Additionally, I will prove beyond any doubt that United Parcel Service’s CEO, Carol Tomé, and her ilk, stand among the ranks of the false prophets within the Woke Apostate Church for the role they play in the proliferation of this demonic doctrine within the UPS workplace culture and American society.

Carol engages in deceitful behavior by intentionally guiding others into apostasy with her beliefs and her imposition of those beliefs by attacking other’s religious views and morality under the devious guise of Diversity-Equity and Inclusion, or DEI. I will further prove to you that her conscience seems impervious, as she’s devised justifications in her own mind for her lies and the part she plays in the queering of Christ.

These deceptive individuals, like her, may possess charisma and persuasiveness, but their message doesn’t originate from the Holy Spirit; instead, they convey the influence of malevolent spirits, whose purpose is to lead people, even the very elect, if it was possible, astray. (Matthew 24:24)

The mental derangement that results from the Wokeism religious cult—this doctrine of devils is what’s fueling the push to replace God with the demonically spawned ruse of diversity, equity, inclusion, and tolerance in not only American society but also in the church and especially in the state. We are witnessing the departure from the faith, as people give heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils play out in real-time in America. (1 Timothy 4:1)

I want you to know that I do not use the word “demonic” lightly, but such things are real and they are the forces that are driving the DEI doctrines and the radical homosexual movement. And, if a theoretical Christian doubts that devils, demons, much less Hell, and eternal punishment exist despite these being mentioned in the scriptures, even by Jesus, then how can a Christian claim to believe in the resurrection of Jesus Christ? The answer is they can’t believe in one and not the other.

In the New Testament, there are over twenty-five references to Jesus mentioning evil spirits, with only seven of them providing detailed accounts. To comprehend the reasons behind UPS engaging in actions deemed blasphemous against Jesus Christ and their role in what some perceive as a war on Christians in America, it’s crucial for me to shed light on their confirmed connections to the supernatural or occult world. This includes their reported financial support for organizations with alleged ties to this satanic realm.

A natural follow-up question addressing the teachers of the Wokeism religion is, “What sets apart these contemporary false teachers from their counterparts in Jesus’ era?” The false teachers of the 21st century aren’t any different to those confronted by the apostle Paul, who, having once been a Pharisee, addressed these very issues over two millennia ago. Paul took the knowledge he had gained as a religious teacher and used it to confront false teachers, saying: “But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.” (Galatians 1:8-9 KJV)

I find it intriguing that frequently, the most vocal individuals are those I refer to as modern-day Pharisees or Anathamites, who align themselves with the contemporary ‘affirming’ and pro-LGBTQ+ movements. I’ve coined this as the Anathemitical Movement of the apostate church. These individuals often make the most noise, particularly whenever they are found in front of an audience. The Anathemites desperately attempt to portray themselves as being some ultra-open-minded hipsters, striving to project an image of being highly receptive to diverse viewpoints.

Paradoxically, it’s often these very individuals who reveal true intolerance, exhibiting fervent opposition and spewing antagonistic, hate-filled diatribes, sometimes physically assaulting Christians, especially against true Christians who stand for Christ and label the Anathemitical Movement as a false religion to the world.

Are there any Traditional Places of Worship left?

Regarding the more traditional places of worship—the non-affirming churches—those that identify as Bible-believing followers of God—and, yes, the same ones that seem to be overrun with their fair share of cliques of shameless back-pew squatting weaklings and others that are being led by the run-of-the-mill mealy-mouthed, tithing worshiping pulpit cowards who go on week in and week out raving and delivering sermons that are primarily focused on “feeling good,” instead of hell, repentance and salvation, to those perched on the front rows—you know—the ones with the deep pockets and shallow spirits—the same congregants with the itching ears—they need to know that they are not exempt from being called out for their part in this travesty. Brethren, it is your duty to stand up and speak out!

It is crucial for this segment of any TRUE Christian congregation to recognize that, because of their silent complicity and their constant invoking of “turning the other cheek,” which is used to serve as some form of justification, they, too, are deeply engaged in this form of silent slander against the Son of God, which is an extremely grave sin. (Romans 1: 18-32)

The Mute Eyes of the World

But, if you look at UPS and the Teamsters unions’ mockery and slandering of God through the lens of postmodern society, why should anyone speak out in the face of growing evil and their malevolent contempt for Jesus Christ? After all, we are just talking about the intentional, in-your-face slandering of Jesus. I mean—so what if they hypothetically want to put the Son of God in a dress or mock Him by saying that instead of “Jesus Saves” it’s “Jesus Shaves?”

Also, why the big uproar over the interrelated ongoing insidious guerrilla war on the perversion and sexualization of our precious children as they viciously strive to implement the ideology of the radical LGBTQ+ Transgender movement into every fabric of American society?

And, in case you haven’t noticed, it has intensified within the last decade with the latest claim being made by a respectable general who is in “the know” being that the vast majority of the elected members of OUR Congress have been compromised by their corporate and lobbyist masters for their vile acts of having sex with children while being away—conducting official business on behalf of the American people. And, if this charge is proven further to be true, just think, these devils are the so-called trusted ones we put into office to protect the children from this very sort of demonic perversion.

At a minimum, you need to realize that keeping silent about evil won’t stop it, and at worst, it actually aids in its progression. In the Old Testament book of  Leviticus 5:1, scripture supports this supposition, stating: “If anyone sins because they do not speak up when they hear a public charge to testify regarding something they have seen or learned about, they will be held responsible.”

Then, it’s discussed again in the New Testament. James 4:17 declares: “If anyone, then, knows the good they ought to do and doesn’t do it, it is sin for them.” So, God’s Word on a person’s silence in the presence of evil remains consistent even throughout the New Testament as well. Therefore, if we know God is calling us to speak out against evil but choose to be silent despite that tugging on the spirit, we’re not only a coward, but worst of all—we’re sinning. So, as you can hopefully see, not speaking up against evil is as good as supporting it.

In the Bible, the very sort of mockery that UPS and the Teamsters are promoting and defending is considered a sign of ignorance and wickedness, often linked to a lack of spiritual understanding and wisdom. Mockers show no reverence for the Word of God or the gospel of Christ and readily deride it, often without recognizing that their actions lead to self-deception and self-condemnation. Slanderers maliciously make up their own lies and broadcast them wherever they will do the most harm. Ultimately, they will face the consequences and bear the punishment they’ve sown.

I can’t help but consider whether the readers of this exposé who will soon become aware of this narrative and have the opportunity to take action, but instead choose the path of cowardice, remaining silent for reasons they fabricate, do they truly grasp the profound implications of their contribution to the blasphemy and slander against Jesus Christ and supporting their war on His church?

This compels us to consider whether they understand that one day, we will all stand before the Lord on the day of judgment and be held accountable for our lives. The Bible clearly emphasizes that those who mock God or reject Jesus Christ will face condemnation and eternal punishment, commonly referred to as the Lake of Fire, unless they repent of their sins and accept Jesus Christ as their personal Savior.

One, Two, Three Chief Agents of Hell

The forthcoming narrative provides indisputable evidence indicating that the federal government currently led by President Biden is engaged in an open war on God, Christians, and children in America. As for President Biden, just know that he is a diehard reprobate, a pervert, and a racist who self-professes to be a practicing Catholic to his brainwashed party ideologues and the propaganda arm of the DNC despite his wicked actions proving otherwise.

President Biden, in reality, amounts to being nothing more than a pseudo-Catholic demagogue—a baser who embraces views that have wickedly devolved from what were once certain fundamental Catholic doctrines of faith, such as the doctrines that once opposed sins like abortion and homosexuality.

Joe Biden has shown through his actions that he has sold his soul to Satan for as little as a vote, just as many a Christian have sold theirs for an entitlement benefit like a social security check or welfare handout, which is proven every time they religiously vote for a democrat come election time. Those who vote Democrat and claim to be a Christian, too, please, go on and tell the world what your 30 pieces of silver are for your betrayal.

The process service affidavit of President Trump concerning the $58 billion employment tax evasion/wage theft crime against the U.S. Government

You cannot support and piecemeal vote for the evil of the Democrat Party, the very antithesis to God, and still claim to be a Christian too. They are incompatible and you are living a lie. Matthew 6:24 is the basis for this truth, which says, “No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.”

And, as for those who decidedly chose the lesser of two evils—former President Trump, they need to know that Trump, just like Joe Biden before him who lied about forwarding the evidence to the FBI, is also a thief and a liar that not only condones, but actually repealed the protections to ensure that the unmitigated wage theft—code for stealing from the American people would continue, and in protecting UPS’s part in the $58 billion wage theft/employment tax evasion racket.

As for me, yes, I know I am a wretched sinner, too. One that is deservingly worthy of the deepest, darkest regions of hell. But I freely repented and turned from my sin, and chose to serve the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and He has saved me from an eternity in hell. So, choose wisely what master you will serve.

This Biden-esque sidebar inadvertently raises a new set of questions that demand answers. Fortunately, the Word of God has already addressed most of these related new questions concerning Biden and the other two members of his alliance. As scripture states in Matthew 7:16, “by their fruits, you shall know them…” Consequently, the obvious outcomes of the complicity and conspiracy of the three primary actors easily explain their mens rea—a Latin term meaning a “guilty mind.”

This story establishes beyond a reasonable doubt that these actors carried out the blasphemies against Jesus Christ and their other before-mentioned vile campaigns are committed with pure malice. Their abominable intent comes to light as we follow the trail of money. The perpetrators cannot feign ignorance because, much like the words of former Justice Holmes, “even a dog knows the difference between being stumbled over and being kicked.”

I would agree that the revelation of the emergence of apostasy in the church is quite distressing and at the top of the list of things to combat. But, what I also find unsettling is the overtly apparent collaboration, this well-organized and troubling alliance between Biden’s administration, UPS, and the Teamsters union, forming what I have dubbed “the Axis of Blasphemy.” I give their little conglomeration of wickedness this title because of one of the primary commonalities that define these three partners of this unscrupulous association, which is their fervent support for what some view as a broader and more subversive secular LGBTQ+ transgender agenda.

As President Biden continues to operate under the Democratic Party faction of the American Mafia State’s corrupt one-party system, he appears to be shielding his two campaign donor partners as they carry out their orchestrated attacks against Jesus Christ, His church, Christians, and our innocent children. It is easy to see that Biden is facilitating the broader propagation of what some would consider Satan’s influence, by means of the power of the state, extending it well beyond the workplace and deeper into the broader American context.

It’s worth pausing to consider that this proliferation of evil and wrongdoing in American culture is being rabidly funded, in part, by the American taxpayers. That’s right, your hard-earned tax money is perpetually bankrolling this war against God, et al.

You may ask, “Why haven’t you seen any of the commercialized signs” of this open marketing of hell out in the world of advertising—the handiwork belonging to the Madison Avenue gangs? Well, the lighter filth you have. The problem is that you’ve been slowly indoctrinated to accept it piece by piece—a little at a time by a method that’s akin to that of Lingchi—death by a thousand cuts. In layman’s terms— systematically you’ve become jaded.

You don’t think so? Then, just turn on your TV—men lying with men and women with women. The drag shows featuring children. Or, take a stroll to your local public school or library and check out the reading list in between drag queen storytime at church like those held at the United Church of Christ (UCC), which is just one of the satanic organizations that UPS bankrolls. The UCC was the first false church to ordain both a homosexual and a transgender minister.

Then there’s Biden’s government, which this act of state debauchery was funded to the tune of $26,600 of your tax money at the U.S State Department. And for those with inquiring minds, the $20,600 grant to Ecuador’s Abraham Lincoln North American Cultural Center provided for three workshops, 13 drag performances, and the creation of a two-minute documentary.

Society is slowly caving in to embrace this hellish campaign. So, again, those of you who claim to be Christians, I want you to be sure to keep pulling that handle for the Democrat Party every time the voting booth opens up. (Romans 1:28-32) But as for the darker practices of the devil, the worshipping of other gods, and such, the answer is UPS and the Teamsters are much too clever to openly display the depth of their “true Satanic” involvement in public. Too much is still at risk for them to fully remove their masks.

I mean—stop and think about it for a minute. If UPS and the Teamsters ran commercials expressing their genuine support for such sexual deviant acts like, I don’t know—a person inserting a fist into another person for sexual gratification, or, like Disney’s most recent animated release to showcase their anti-God hatred, named, “Little Demon,” which is an animated series that explores themes of demonic witchcraft, pagan rituals, explicit violence, and nudity, which should be deemed as adult or explicit content. Imagine just how many Christian parents will still load their kids up and head out for a Disney park, despite knowing the truth, to give Disney their money—a company that not only hates God, but them too, while claiming that their support of Disney is for their children’s experience—and, nothing more—this is truly sad.

The Old Testament book of Jeremiah 19:5 sums this sort of Christian/Disney mindset up pretty well when it states, “They have built also the high places of Baal, to burn their sons with fire for burnt offerings unto Baal, which I commanded not, nor spake it, neither came it into my mind…”

Or, what if UPS commercialized their open financing of satanic religions like Sojourners, and a host of different LGBTQ+ organizations such as those defending Fistgate and advocating in favor of public-school classroom curricula—to begin as early as kindergarten—that would feature a “saturation process” designed to imbue schoolchildren with positive impressions of the homosexual lifestyle like GLSEN, along with divisively racist (read grievance), anti-Semitic pro-holocaust proxies and white-hating organizations, and even organizations that teach teens how to masturbate. UPS even has sat as a member of the board of several of these racist organizations that seek to overthrow the U.S. government.

Or, how about the Teamster’s defense of the sodomizer union parody? What, if any, or all, of these sick perversions were advertised during Primetime television—showing America the REAL UPS and Teamsters Union? I imagine that the potential backlash would be too great. So, in their minds, it’s better to keep the ignorant Cafones in the dark. And why not? It’s worked for decades already. No one will ever be wiser about it.

So, what they do instead is choose a more discreet approach by laundering their financial support through any of their philanthropic arms, like the Annie E. Casey Foundation (AECF) and the UPS Foundation. And, as for the hiding of the Teamster’s financial expenditures for such offensive and degenerate-minded grants, what they do is bury them in the required government LM2 filings. After all, who’s going to take the time to do the digging into their financial records to uncover the truth?

Oh, and speaking about financial records, it’s worth noting that in the 2020 presidential election, Biden received a significant sum of around $285,468 in UPS political contributions. You’d be surprised to learn that this blood money far exceeds the infamous thirty pieces of silver, which is equivalent to $657.30 in 2023 spot-price dollars, that was paid to Judas for his betrayal of Jesus Christ.

Feigning Deliberate Ignorance vs. Demonstrating Righteous Rage?

Many Americans, chiefly I’m speaking to the ones who hold moral integrity dear, both Christian and non-Christian alike, they might find it challenging to contain their outrage upon discovering that they’ve unknowingly supported a corporation that, over the years, has deceived both of them and the genuine ethical business community. UPS is engaging in an extensive ruse, selling itself as the embodiment of ethical behavior, a defender of community values, a believer in social responsibility, and blah, blah, blah.

UPS freely operates, for the moment, unmolested as it acts under its own self-induced hubris-fueled delusion that it prevails above all others being the paramount champion of moral integrity. I have to admit that it’s rather cringe-worthy to witness them as they are being led around with leashes through their gold-plated, diamond-studded bulldogs while incoherently chanting their supposedly exceptional Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) score mantra.

Although their offices may be adorned with countless prestigious awards, just know that they all amount to being nothing more than dead idols of worthless worship. This story underscores the notion that ESG considerations often serve as a conduit for corporate deception—a facet of the enduring moral charade corporations have employed to mislead the public for decades.

This is precisely why it was so easy for them to subtly incorporate the radical homosexual agenda into their own brand of overarching color revolutionary strategy with the end goal being to simply destroy conventional Judeo-Christian societal values and underpinnings via the theory behind how to carry out Soviet style salami-coup d’état. They orchestrated all of this betrayal while concealing it in plain view.

However, what I find even more disturbing is UPS’s hypocritical claims of moral virtue and their self-professed status as champions of human rights. Upon closer examination of the evidence, it becomes evident that these claims lack substance, and their moral integrity has been poisoned over the years by their extensive engagement in unethical practices centered around deception.

As for any inkling of credibility to their self-aggrandizing statements, it appears that outside the echo chamber of DEI and their own minds, there are barely a few people who would endorse UPS and the Teamsters Union’s exaggerated proclamations. Perhaps the only ones who might support, or to a lesser degree, buy into such claims are the same opportunistic civic organizations that are willing to hock their worthless awards to the highest bidder.

Dancing with Devils

Yet, as the curtain is pulled back in this exposé, revealing the dancing devil orchestrating this marionette, instead of the abundant moral wealth one might expect to find, we are confronted with one of the most morally bankrupt and ethically destitute corporations in existence.

It is a fact that American Christians, as well as non-Christian customers, through their blind, trusting—their unquestioning consumerism with this corporation and by proxy through other companies that use UPS to handle their logistical needs, have inadvertently played a key role in sowing the seeds of their own demise. They have unknowingly become complicit in the disgusting blasphemous mockery and slandering of Jesus Christ and the war on Christians and the church, while unwittingly offering their innocent children onto the altars of all forms of sexually perverted gods of DEI.

A notable illustration of these contentious aspects of practices deemed objectionable involves government-supported drag show events, which receive partial funding from public resources. Furthermore, public libraries offer explicit LGBTQ+ literature to children as young as three years old, and certain schools provide transgender services to students, even in cases where it conflicts with parental preferences. It is without question, Hell has a major foothold and is apparently open for business in America.

The “What” of this Treatise: From Beer Cans to T-shirts

Directly out of the mouths of conservative media and agenda-driven talking heads, it was heavily reported that millions of morally conscious individuals in America were swift to unite expressing somewhat moral outrage, and collectively advocate, organize, and ultimately vehemently boycott the cancellation of companies that were engaging in forced acceptance of the LGBTQ+, transgender movement and the DEI indoctrination campaign.

First, there was Target and their push to allow perverted men in women’s clothing to use the same bathrooms as little girls. Then there was Gillette, having a father teach his transgendered son how to shave, and there’s a host of many others. Just take your pick.

The highly unpopular—the marginalized anti-immorality segment of moral America—the one that the leftist hates—this seldom spoken about silent majority—this sleeping giant went on to exhibit their true raw power by canceling one of the Woke companies as an act of reprisal for the marketing of a controversial lifestyle driven by the warped Communist Wokeism mindset of its out-of-touch executives that were hellbent on implementing this hellish modern-day corporate doctrine. This uproar was sparked by what many consider an offensive, ill-thought-out decision to feature an LGBTQ+ Transgender figurehead on of all things—a can of beer.

What if—it was—Jesus?

Let’s explore this ill-conceived marketing move a bit deeper. Please allow me to momentarily play devil’s advocate and let’s consider a different marketing campaign to conduct a little social experiment, of sorts:

“What if instead of having a warped-minded homosexual man pretending to be a woman being placed on a can of beer, the same corporation replaced the image with that of the Son of God, the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ?

Let’s take it even a step further, in which all of these scenarios are purely in a hypothetical sense, of course.

“What if the same corporation put an image of Jesus Christ saying that being a homosexual “was cool with Him?” Or, what if they had placed the image of Jesus on the can AS a homosexual—and calling out to the world for “gay men to join Him in heaven?”

One last time, let’s take it even a step further.

“What if the same corporation now had him depicted as a homosexual being engaged in anal sex with another man, as the “giver”—a deliverer to what is termed as a “power bottom.”

In the perverted vernacular of the LGBTQ+ community, a ‘power bottom’ refers to a man who takes an active role in receiving and guiding the intimate act of sexual sin—sodomy.

And, now that you have been unfortunately—educated about this deviant act, would you consider purchasing and wearing a t-shirt, hat, or proudly displaying a bumper sticker on your car that proclaims you to your next-door neighbor as a “power bottom for Jesus” or in any of the dozen, or so, references to Jesus being a homosexual and a sodomizer of men? Would you have chosen a can of beer featuring any of these images of Jesus Christ in a mocking or sexualized context?

So, I would imagine that if the depiction of a gender dysphoric tormented young man pretending to be a woman on what was once touted as being the best-selling beer in America was the shot across the bow, I would imagine that putting the image of a homosexualized eluding to Jesus Christ being engaged in sodomitical sex with another man on the same brand of beer or promoting it would be likened to the nuclear torpedoing of the entire ship.

Financial Ruin: It’s Worth the Price to a Godless Corporation

Yes, I know that almost every couple of weeks we hear of a new company that is being boycotted for some action involving DEI, or some tenet of the radical homosexual agenda of the LGBTQ+ minority. The latest one facing a  massive boycott is Dana White’s Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) because of his $100 million so-called “deal” with Bud Light.

As for the counter-campaign of the ethically conscientious individuals, so far to date, it has inflicted a staggering financial blow on Anheuser-Busch, the parent company of Bud Light, amounting to over $15.7 billion—and still counting.

And, yes, the boycott against Bud Light is having a detrimental effect on Anheuser-Busch. On October 20, 2023, before the Dana White—uh, —partnership, the story broke that Anheuser-Busch is offering its distributors $150 million as part of what they call a “market share recovery incentive” program, which in my eyes, I call it a bribe, to keep shelf space open rather than give it to a competitor brand that is outselling Bud Light. But Bud Light isn’t the current record holder for godless Woke Self-destruction. That title belongs to The Walt Disney Company.

Disney has seen a decrease of approximately $63 billion in its market capitalization since it publicly supported LGBTQ rights activism and declared war against the state of Florida opposing Florida’s Parental Rights in Education law.

For most rational individuals, it might seem rather presumptuous for any of the corporations embracing the “woke religion” to take it for granted that they are impervious to self-inflicted harm and that their controversial actions won’t have consequences. But then again that’s what narcissism will do to you. It’s quite remarkable that, despite numerous woke companies facing the repercussions, they somehow still maintain the belief that they are beyond reproach even though their stock value has followed their morality—in the toilet. This behavior is reminiscent of individuals suffering from delusions of grandeur.

Attempting to figure out the mindset of Woke entities like UPS and the Teamsters Union presents a unique challenge. I would venture to say that they exhibit characteristics akin to a condition resembling idiopathic psychosis. However, the underlying cause of this phenomenon is quite clear: “They have been given over to a reprobate mind by God.” (Romans 1:28)

From the perspective of moral-minded non-Christian and Christian citizens in America alike, an important question arises: “Why would imagery of such offensive nature be allowed to exist in the workplace or remain accessible to the public and employees, including depictions of Jesus as homosexual, which clearly violates many state and federal labor laws and civil rights laws?” Why wouldn’t the board of directors choose not to fire the CEO of that company if they were made aware of their conduct? Their lack of response only serves to reinforce the positions presented in this exposé.

It’s rather hypocritical, even somewhat cowardly and abominable, that none of the three members of the Axis of Blasphemy supported a portrayal of the Islamic prophet Muhammad in a homosexual context or engaged in offensive sexual depictions. It would be interesting to inquire why they feel it’s acceptable to mock Jesus Christ and Christians in such a manner.

However, this is where our story about the true plight of Christians in America begins.

The Jumbotron of Hell

The day seemed to be like any other during the celebration of Gay Pride Month as I, a dedicated follower of Jesus Christ and a 35-year, highly decorated 18-wheeler driver, entered the UPS facility in Madison, Alabama. And, as if right on cue, UPS was proudly showing its support and dedication to the radical homosexual holiday by broadcasting it on all of its large, hanging TV monitors found in various workstations, its computer training terminals, on its social media sites, and plastered on all the employee training computers that were throughout the building. UPS had even put the homosexual religious celebration on its employee website, which if the employee wanted to check on their benefits, paycheck, retirement, and other HR-related information, they would have no choice but to navigate through the images promoting the radical homosexual agenda.

As I entered the dispatch office to clock in for work, I glanced over and noticed one of the supervisors’ monitors displaying the UPS website. The website featured several stories about UPS employees who had undergone the Gender Dysphoric transition, indicating that UPS was actively promoting the transgender agenda.

Overhead monitor in the Madison, Alabama UPS facility celebrating the homosexual holiday.

However, as the day unfolded, it quickly became clear that it would be anything but ordinary. Today marked when the Holy Spirit stirred within me, urging me to make a stand to support the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and fellow Christians at UPS. I decided to fight the homosexual agenda that was being rammed down my throat.

Employee training computer in the Madison, Alabama UPS training room.

The initial surprise to UPS occurred when I adopted an unexpected strategy. Being guided by my Christian faith, aiming to avoid promoting any animosity toward the LGBTQ+ and transgender community, instead of requesting that UPS cease acknowledging the LGBTQ+ religious holiday outright, I actually defended their right to observe it. And why not? If I demanded its banning, then I would play right into the hands of those who claim Christians are intolerant. However, if I asked for the same, as a Christian, and was denied, then it would show them as being the ones that are intolerant.

So, what I proposed to UPS is that all Christian heterosexual married employees be granted similar rights and recognition as the homosexual celebration of their religious holiday. This plan encompassed asking for a month-long celebration, and equal access to company resources and equipment in being able to “equally” showcase their alternative lifestyle as devout followers of Jesus Christ, both on company premises and through UPS’s social media sites. I was as for a slice of UPS’s Inclusion pie.

I patiently awaited UPS’s response to my request, which I considered reasonable given UPS’s professed dedication to upholding human rights and accommodating various religious beliefs, especially after having signed the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, particularly Articles 1, 2, 3, 5,  18, 19, and 23, which is hypocritically and deceptively associated with the WEF as well.

Nevertheless, UPS declined my request, contradicting their own corporate governing documents, leaving me no other choice but to start the grievance procedures stipulated in the collective bargaining agreement, consequently involving the Teamsters union. It seemed, by all indications, that UPS was prepared to engage in their usual war of attrition, only this time it was going to be related to religious matters and the radical homosexual agenda.

While UPS publicly promoted a company policy grounded in the principles of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, which theoretically aimed to protect individuals from religious belief-related attacks like those I was facing, I soon came to realize that these safeguards did not extend to Christians within UPS or the Teamsters union.

This was disheartening considering the Teamsters Union is deceptively sold to the public and those it is seeking to unionize as being an organization that’s supposed to safeguard the rights of all members and non-members alike and not just protecting a minuscule fraction such as the members of the Teamster Homosexual Caucus. Instead, it seemed these policies could be wielded against me and my fellow Christians in a mocking and unjust manner.

Hell’s Boutique

As UPS continued to celebrate the month-long religious holiday for homosexuals, I busied myself with research to prepare my case to present before the UPS/Teamster grievance panel that was scheduled to be held in Birmingham, Alabama. What I soon discovered was that what I thought could only be a nightmare born straight from the darkest regions of hell was—in fact—reality.

Image of the product that UPS and the Teamsters supported and defended.

There it was. Proudly displayed on UPS’s publicly accessible DEI website. In all of their perverted glory, UPS was unapologetically and defiantly supporting and promoting disgusting products that not only depicted the Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ—the very Son of God as a homosexual, mocking the price He paid for our salvation by His death on the cross, and having Him beckoning for gay men to join him in heaven. But UPS was not through. UPS supported and defended the blasphemy that He was “cool with being a homosexual,” and the depiction depicting an elusion to Him as a practicing sodomite—a sinner that’s engaged in anal sex with another man as the “giver.” It was no longer a hypothetical supposition. UPS was directly attacking Jesus Christ.

I did not realize that UPS was so interested in venturing into the dubious role of being equated to that of a seller of debauchery and perversion from the trunk of a car, and I became aware that Big Brown was ensuring the continued availability of other merchandise catering to a niche audience with perverted and depraved taste, all facilitated through the same company shielded by the “Axis of Blasphemy” on, of all places, its hypocritical company DEI website.

While this collection of products was not meant for those easily taken aback, I make that disclaimer because it encompassed a wide range of items celebrating explicit, unnatural, and morally objectionable sexual practices that some might view as emerging from the most morally dubious realms of hell itself.

Screenshot of the company and its products that UPS promoted, supported, and defended along with the Teamsters union.

For instance, there’s one product prominently featured in the marketplace that UPS is associated with, and it glorifies the behavior of adult men dressing up in dog costumes, pretending to be dogs by begging, hiking, and more disturbingly, engaging in sexual activities with other similarly costumed male individuals in a practice referred to as ‘puppy play,’ which any sane person would consider degeneracy.

And then there’s the offering of different slogans on t-shirts plugging the disgusting act of “fisting,” which is where a person’s hand or fist is inserted into another person’s lower biological orifice or orifices—yes, plural. Let’s not forget the warped act of engaging in “watersports,” which is where sexual partners urinate on one another and drink each other’s urine. Yes, you heard me right. Then, again, if t-shirts aren’t your interest, then how about a nice bumper sticker or a coffee mug showcasing that one? What? Still not perverted enough for some people? Here’s some different merchandise for those with odd taste in apparel, or maybe yard art, like a lawn flag. Who knows? Maybe this sort of thing does it for you.

UPS would defend its promotion of this hellish practice with frenzied zeal. Other demonic acts of promotion on its website include glorifying the BDSM (bondage and discipline, dominance and submission, sadism and masochism) and drag lifestyles, and many, many other abominable acts of perversion.

Declaring War against Goliath 2.0

Upon seeing the Lord Jesus Christ being homosexualized and mocked in this manner and with UPS endorsing it, I became furious and demanded that UPS take down the link that depicted the Son of God as a homosexual. I filed several more grievances and wrote one of five letters to UPS CEO, Carol Tomé, expressing my righteous indignation.

A portion of the first letter is as follows:

…As I am sure that you and UPS know the radical homosexual movement and the use of the Rainbow flag have been exposed to be heavily involved in the deplorable and degenerate grooming of young children into various deviant sexual lifestyles. Children even as young as three years old…

Carol Tome’s fraudulent “anti-harassment” policy notice hanging in the Madison, Alabama UPS facility.

…I am available and willing to work with you or any of your representatives in arriving at a remedy to satisfy ALL of my demands. Again, I want the entire month of December to be celebrated as “The Loving God, Jesus Christ, and the heterosexual God Fearing, Bible-believing, Jesus following lifestyle Month…”

UPS’s response was— to hell with Jesus and to keep the link up months after the initial complaint was filed.

It’s important to highlight that these ongoing discriminatory policies and overt actions against God and Christians stood in stark contradiction not only to their recent fraudulent ‘feel-good facade,’ namely the empty “Not in Our House” policy of Carol Tomé, but also to their foundational company policies, their DEI policy, which is based upon the WEF’s design, UPS’s pledge to the UN Human Rights doctrine. Yes, this is the same one that states the following about their lie about being committed to protecting religion which states:

UPS believes that all people have a human right to be treated with dignity and without discrimination, whatever their nationality, place of residence, gender, national or ethnic origin, color, religion, language or any other status.” Source: United Parcel Service website regarding governing documents.

This pathetic scam of UPS’s especially includes their commitment to doctrines and policies of their strategic partnership with the World Economic Forum (WEF) and its principles on human rights.

As I delved deeper into my research on UPS’s unfounded animosity, mockery, and campaign against Jesus Christ and Christians within the company, the puzzle pieces started falling into place. It all began to make sense as I unraveled the connections between UPS’s philanthropic donations to satanic organizations and UPS’s membership in the WEF and the active roles played by UPS’s CEO and other high-ranking corporate officials in the upper echelons of the WEF’s leadership. My research took me down a rabbit hole I hadn’t expected.

UPS and the WEF both say Man and the Planet are the True god

What I discovered about the WEF’s stance on God and Jesus Christ was deeply disturbing. Even more concerning was UPS’s extensive involvement in the WEF’s subversive influence on global affairs and their desire to control every aspect of people’s lives, as exemplified by the slogan “You’ll own nothing and be happy.”

For those who just might be unfamiliar with the WEF, let me discuss their evil and totalitarian dark side. For example, the founder and chief operating officer of the WEF, Klaus Schwab, the person with the bust of a godless, murderous communist leader, Vladimir Lenin, a demonically possessed monster responsible for over 8 million people, many by starvation, torture, or summary execution, proudly displayed on his bookshelf. Schwab also has a right-hand man—his top advisor named Yuval Noah Harari who is a practicing homosexual who is also married to a man. Harari is a historian and a tenured professor in the Department of History at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Harari is a transhumanist who has discussed, “how humans are now “hackable animals,” no longer subject to the intelligent design of “some God above the clouds, but our intelligent design…” He has also stated during a WEF gathering that the idea of humans having free will is over.

What Harari left out was that transhumanists wrestle with the challenge of understanding human nature and the origins of morality, often facing a lack of a cohesive explanation. Some members of this movement concede that moral character cannot be easily programmed, acknowledging the biblical principle that the cultivation of character requires individual choice and a dedicated pursuit.

Transhumanists like Harari dismiss the belief in God or a spiritual dimension, embracing a materialistic philosophy that regards the natural, material, and physical universe as the exclusive reality. They consider science the primary source of knowledge, acting as the lens through which to comprehend the world, address life’s challenges, and find meaning. This philosophy is a concrete piece of evidence leading to why UPS hates and mocks the Son of God.

Inasmuch as what the Word of God says on this matter, the biblical verse Romans 1:28 comes to mind and is perfectly relevant to transhumanism: “And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting.

In essence, transhumanism represents Satan’s diversion from God’s incredible plans for humanity. But the proverbial smoking gun that confirmed my worst fears regarding what was helping galvanize and nurture UPS’s apparent hatred for Jesus, is still, in part, primarily explained by their kinship with the WEF and Harari.

In several interviews, Harari has stated after drawing a correlation between the way that the Gospel is spread to the distribution of Nazi propaganda orchestrated by Nazi Minister of Propaganda, Dr. Joseph Goebbels, that if you tell a big enough lie enough that people will believe it, thus he said that the “Bible is fake news.” In another interview, Harari states, “This story about Jesus rising from the dead and being the Son of God…this is fake news (audience laughs).

Then there is this blasphemy about being able to hack human brains and create controllable cyborgs, “we will be beyond the God of the Bible.” Now remember, this is what a part of UPS customers’ money is supporting every time they ship a package with UPS.

Ask yourself this demanding question: “How is it that UPS can still claim, with a straight face, to be a morally upright company when they openly support such vile lifestyles and keep it up while defiantly refusing to renounce them when Carol Tomé, the CEO of UPS, has been confronted about it on behalf of both its employees and its customers?” The answer is as long as the public doesn’t know the truth about their immorality and degeneracy, they can keep their immorality rackets running unchanged virtually forever. After all, who’s going to complain? The Teamsters union? Why would they complain when the general president of the Teamsters Union, Sean O’Brien, is in on the travesty against Jesus and Christians, too?

Next, I filed a complaint with the EEOC for religious discrimination and eventually received a letter of right to sue after almost a year of waiting for a decision. And, for the Teamsters’ refusal to represent my interest as a Christian and for being a part of the discrimination, I filed an unfair labor practice charge against the Teamsters general president Sean O’Brien. (NLRB Affidavit)

Writing to the President of the United Sinners of Anathema

When both the NLRB and the EEOC informed me they had found no wrongdoing, I became further incensed. In the decisions from Biden’s government—they wanted no part of my case. The reason I figured is that if they stood up for a Christian facing religious discrimination, it might wreck the Biden administration’s agenda of promoting LGBTQ+ Transgender rights in federal agencies. It would undoubtedly raise questions about why the Biden administration would align with a Christian and uphold the law, potentially exposing and undermining their entire agenda.

In an attempt to further bring the illegalities and injustices to the attention of the Biden administration, I penned a letter to President Joe Biden, highlighting UPS’s flagrant violations of my Constitutional rights and federal law through religious and racial discrimination. Also, I rebuked Biden for his war on God and America.

An excerpt of that letter making Biden aware is as follows:

…Therefore, I am officially making you aware of UPS’s

egregiously illegal conduct of religious and racial

discrimination in complete violation of my Constitutional

rights and federal law…

However, given President Biden’s previous executive orders, especially Executive Order 13988 titled “Executive Order on Preventing and Combating Discrimination on the Basis of Gender Identity or Sexual Orientation,” I knew my efforts were in vain.

Surprisingly, President Biden responded, thanking me for the letter and that he and his administration “stands in solidarity with the LGBTQI+ community in the ongoing struggle against discrimination and injustice, and I will continue fighting for full equality for every American.” The letter omitted any of the issues of legality that I had raised. It was as if I had written a letter that praised and allied with the lawless Biden administration in support of the Sodomitical movement rather than having condemned it.

My only remaining interpretation of that letter, which contradicted Biden’s written aim for “full equality for every American,” is that it doesn’t apply to Christians.

Trying to Pluck Them from Gehenna

There is no way that I could win this in court. Not with the judicial system in America being corrupt and wicked too. So, all that I need I already have—I have God on my side. I want to convey the reasons such evil exists at UPS and in the Teamsters union. And, to do that we have to “look at their fruits,” then, maybe, you can begin to understand the ease by which UPS and the Teamsters can mock Jesus Christ and carry out their war against God, Christians, children, and—America.

Shockingly, as for what a far too trusting, yet duped public expected from a highly awarded so-called socially aware public corporation, just simple plain service absent from any political or demonic intentions is nil. Maybe you are someone that just doesn’t care. Maybe you are happy with someone desiring to control and manipulate you. Then again, maybe you just like being played a sucker. I don’t know.

However, what I do know is that with you doing business with UPS, you are furthering their ability to quietly bankroll the ongoing slaughter of America’s unborn. As for UPS, well, they, like their business, when it comes to funding abortion, they too have gone global. UPS doesn’t discriminate when it comes to exterminating life. They bankroll Planned Parenthood who pushes sex ed on kids to create a market for abortion or the Guttmacher Institute, which its founder Alan Guttmacher stated, “As a physician in private practice I have done occasional sterilizations on adolescent females brought to me by their parents for sterilization because of serious mental retardation.”

Please allow me to interject that according to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, the sterilization of undesirables of society like the mentally handicapped and feeble-minded was the same eugenics program that Hitler’s Nazi Germany carried out leading up to the Jewish Holocaust.

Oh, and speaking about anti-Semitism, through the years UPS and the Teamsters both don’t have a problem funding organizations that are led by false teachers of the Gospel of Christ who are anti-Semitic and teaching a false gospel to the masses. One organization of this sort of ilk, the National Action Network of Al Sharpton, is a virulent anti-Semite, homophobe, and racist false preacher that also supports abortion despite claiming to be a “man of God.” Yes, Sharpton has received funding from both UPS and the Teamsters union.

The Teamsters help fund abortion by using the members’ dues money both Christian and non-Christian alike. My question to the Teamsters is, “What does funding abortion have to do with furthering the interest of organizing labor?” Isn’t abortion killing future labor?

Then there’s the other false teacher, anti-Semitic—Jesse Jackson and his Rainbow PUSH organization. Both Jackson and his organization are funded by both UPS and the Teamsters. Jesse Jackson is deeply intertwined with the Nation of Islam, which declares:

In 1965, the founder of the false religion of the Nation of Islam, Elijah Muhammad published a 300-page book titled Message to the Blackman in America, in which he explained the false god Allah had originally created the black race before all others, followed sequentially by the brown, red, and yellow races. The white race, said Muhammad, was created some 6,000 years ago, not by Allah but by a renegade black scientist named Yakub. In Muhammad’s view, “the whole Caucasian race is a race of devils . . . the evil and murderous race.”

UPS’s bankrolling of this man alone with his ties to the demonic religions easily explains why UPS would attack Jesus Christ. As for implementing the racist DEI program, you need to know that it is nothing more than a front for the critical race theory, which is about systemic racism, and the pushers of this ideology are rewriting America’s history claiming that it is fundamentally a racist and evil nation rife with discrimination against women.

UPS’s war against God, His Son Jesus Christ, and humanity are carried out under the guise of its philanthropic organizations—the AECF and the UPS Foundation. The AECF was founded and named after the mother of UPS founder, Jim Casey. It is a leftist-Communist-anti-God organization that has a long history of financing organizations that refer children to abortion providers, like giving $178,000 to SIECUS advocates for teaching sex education to K through 3 grade at schools, abortion, promoting the homosexual affirmation church movement, supports the introduction of pornographic material to school-age children and pushes masturbation, refers children to transgender clinics, provide unfettered access to birth control and condoms and perform mental health counseling.

Another benefactor of the Annie E. Casey Foundation is the leftist Ms. Foundation for Women, which is closely connected with the (UNPF); UNPF is the world’s largest funder of “reproductive health programs,” a clever euphemism for abortion, whose former director serves as the President of this organization. The Ms. Foundation is rabidly pro-abortion as their website confirms and receives funding from the AECF.

UPS’s Doctrines of Devils

UPS’s financing of organizations that preach doctrines of devils is appalling. I sternly believe that it is their right to do what they want with their money, but the public has the right to also know what they are supporting when they conduct business with UPS or pay union dues to the Teamsters Union.

As for the part the Teamsters Union plays in this travesty, they simply take the members’ hard-earned dues money and use it to bankroll other organizations that do NOT have anything to do with labor or the labor movement. The Teamsters Union bankrolls abortion and false teachers of the gospel and racist organizations. But, in the revelation of this story, the union bosses take the dues money of Christian members and use it to further the radical LGBTQ+ homosexual agenda. And, yet it is the rank and file who live in fear of those who are elected to serve them, but yet they pay their salaries. To me, this is the epitome of insanity.

During the research of my case, I discovered that UPS is not at all anti-religion. They are just anti-God and Jesus Christ. Through UPS’s funding, the AECF financed several demonic and false religions over the years, which I was sure to let the UPS CEO know in one of my letters.

The first of such religious organizations funded by the UPS Foundation is The Ancient Egyptian Arabic Order Nobles Mystic Shrine, which embraces all the basic fundamental concepts of the Masonic Order. Several of its previous leaders, like John T. Chapman, held 33rd Degrees of Scottish Rite Masonry. According to Albert Pike, the head of the Scottish Rite branch of the Masonic and the leading American Masonic scholar of the nineteenth century, stated:

“…That which we must say to a crowd is – We worship a God, but it is the God that one adores without superstition. To you, Sovereign Grand Inspectors General, we say this, that you may repeat it to the Brethren of the 32nd, 31st, and 30th degrees – The Masonic Religion should be, by all of us imitates of the high degrees, maintained in the purity of the Luciferian Doctrine…”—Instructions to the 23 Supreme Councils of the World, July 14, 1889. Recorded by A.C. De La Rive in “La Femme et l’Enfant dans la Franc Maconnerie Universelle” — page 588.


Then, in The Mysteries of Magic, Masonic Lodge Brother, Eliphas Levi stated:


“What is more absurd and more impious than to attribute the name of that is to personified evil. The intellectual is the spirit of intelligence and love; it is the paraclete, it is the Holy Spirit, while the physical Lucifer is the great agent of universal magnetism.” Page 428.


Another interesting false church that UPS loves to bankroll via the AECF having given as much as $150,000 at a time is Jim Wallis’ organization—Sojourners. Jim Wallis, a dedicated foe of capitalism and free market systems, who is an apologist for Communist atrocities in Cambodia and Vietnam, contends that Biblical scripture calls for large central government to aid the poor. His organization, Sojourners, is an ecumenical Christian media and advocacy organization that works towards social and racial justice—codewords for communism.

Sojourners is not only an anti-Biblical organization, but it is also anti-American mixing Communist politics, DEI, and a false Gospel all into one package. In the 1980s the Sojourners community actively embraced liberation theology, rallying to the cause of Communist regimes that had seized power, especially in Latin America, with the promise of bringing about the revolutionary restructuring of society.

Additionally, Sojourners is anti-Israel,” and vehemently opposes the Israeli occupation of Palestinian land and supporting an end to Israeli settlements.”

Sojourners’ leaders declared at once against the time-honored interpretations of Biblical teachings and the traditional mores of Western civilization. Adducing the “radical example of Jesus,” Sojourners proposed to champion “alternative visions” to the church, and vowed to “counter the assault of the world’s dominant values.”

Then UPS brags on its website that it has donated $1.2 million to advance initiatives supporting the LGBTQ+ community globally, particularly the organization Human Rights Campaign (HRC). The HRC is a pro-abortion and pro- LGBTQ+ organization that pushes false doctrine, stating:

“At the heart of the claim that the Bible is clear “that homosexuality is forbidden by God,” is poor biblical scholarship and a cultural bias read into the Bible.”—HRC website.

The false teachers at HRC also make the asinine position that “Although it’s unlikely that the biblical authors had any notion of sexual orientation (for example, the term homosexual wasn’t even coined until the late 19th century) for many people of faith…” HRC resorts to playing semantics for people’s souls. Allow me to show you how such devils twist the scriptures to sell you into accepting their doctrine.

Yes, they are correct about the crafting of the word, homosexual, but, what they left out was that the Bible utilized the term “know” as a euphemism for sexual intercourse: Adam knew his wife, Eve, resulting in her pregnancy (Genesis 4:1). The scripture denotes that women who have “known” a man are no longer considered virgins (Numbers 31:17, Numbers 31:35). Even acts like sodomy (Genesis 19:5; Judges 19:22) and rape (Judges 19:25) are described using the term “know.”

Rather than giving this demonic organization any more publicity, the position of the Bible on homosexuality is easily answered with 1 Corinthians 6:9, which states, “Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind.” (KJV) In short, they are liars.

Then there’s the AECF’s support giving $70,000 to the pro-LGBTQ-affirming false church in Baltimore, Maryland, St. Ignatius Catholic Church. St. Ignatius is deeply rooted in the Communist doctrines of devils that preach leftist ideologies associated with DEI.

Into the Lion’s Den

I had to take two days off of work to attend the grievance panel hearing to resolve the “homosexualization of Jesus Christ” issue, the discrimination against Christians, and the war against Jesus Christ at UPS. The hearing was held at a hotel conference room that was crawling with UPS labor managers, Teamster union officials, and die-hard supporters of the union. When I met Joe and Donnie, the Madison union steward, in the lobby, the tension was already high. I had prepared my case with meticulously documented evidence to support my claims. However, I have been around enough to know that the cases were already settled before I even began. All of this was just for show.

As I entered the room to hear my first case, it was seething with palatable hatred for me and what I stood for. It wasn’t paranoia. It was pure evil. However, they knew to keep their mouths closed. I presented all five cases on my own and sparred back and forth with the Teamster officials and UPS’s company men as they tried desperately to unravel my cases.

Ultimately, it would be the union’s chair and the other Teamster committee member that I would wind up in a verbal altercation with for my defense of Jesus Christ and my rights as a Christian in the workplace, which resulted in a very heated meeting ensuing. This led to a highly charged meeting.

Eventually, I would learn by mail that the Teamsters had aligned themselves with UPS in permitting the mocking and discrimination of Christians at UPS. Again, this was no surprise to me. As I stated before, the cases were settled long before I arrived at the kangaroo court in Birmingham that morning.

Pray for Them and the Canaanite Solution for Corporate America

So, as I hope you can see, every time that you conduct business with UPS and pay your dues money to the godless Teamsters Union, you are funding the war on God, the church, children, and America. The reason I continue working at UPS is that I find UPS to be a mission field that is ripe for sowing the Word of God. I desperately tried to have the CEO of UPS and anyone else on her staff meet with me and let me share the Gospel with them. And, again, there was only silence.

I hope that this has opened your eyes to the war that is being waged against Jesus Christ, His church, our children, and America. Inasmuch as a solution goes, a “armed-revivalution” (armed with the Word of God calling for a national revival) is the only real solution. We have to repent as a nation and turn back to God. We have to take OUR government back.

And, as for the solution to companies like UPS that are using their wealth and political clout that has been derived solely from free-market capitalism and open-market consumerism—you have to choose one corporation and make an example out of them. I’m not simply talking about a short-lived boycott.

What I am talking about is the destruction and financial ruin of a corporation—put them completely, once and for all, out of business. We must destroy them openly and without mercy for all the others to see what the price is for a company to wage war against Jesus Christ, Christians, our innocent children, and America. Then, next, destroy the Democrat Party and finish with the complete eradication of ALL crooked politicians on both sides of the aisle from OUR government. This is just a start.

I will continue to pray for them all and I hope that eventually they come around and change their wicked ways because I know that the reward of such wickedness is, “Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.” (Proverbs 16:18, King James Version Bible)



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