Why Launch a Fasting (Cancel) Campaign Against UPS, the Teamsters, and Bath and Body Works

“Hello, my friends. My name is James R. Earls, and I want to speak with you today about something that transcends religion, politics, or individual beliefs. I’ve worked for United Parcel Service for 36 years, and as an employee and a Christian, I feel called to stand against some deeply troubling issues I’ve witnessed. Today, I’m launching a period of fasting against UPS, the Teamsters union, and Bath & Body Works.

But this isn’t just about me. This is about standing up for our children, for decency, and for our nation’s integrity—values that we all can share, no matter what background or belief system we come from.

Let me start with a question that touches on something we’ve seen recently. You may have heard about the 2024 Olympics controversy, where a group of performers portrayed the Last Supper in a way that many found offensive. It enraged countless Christians. But think about this: what if they had gone even further? What if they had publicly supported and promoted depictions of Jesus Christ as a cartoon character, wrapped in a rainbow cloak, encouraging gay men to join Him in heaven? Or worse, what if they promoted the vile idea that Jesus Christ, the very Son of God, was engaged in sexual acts with another man?

That’s where the outrage would reach a whole new level—beyond a simple controversy into a firestorm that affects us all. And that is exactly what is happening at UPS today.

UPS is not just delivering packages and hypocritically accepting civic awards. They are actively promoting agendas that threaten the moral fabric of our society—agendas that go beyond political or religious lines. Whether you are a Christian, a parent, or simply someone who cares about the future of our nation, we can all agree that protecting our children, preserving decency, and pushing back against harmful corporate overreach is critical.

UPS has proudly promoted images on their corporate website that blaspheme Jesus Christ in the most grotesque ways. They depict Him as a homosexual, wrapped in a rainbow cloak, as if Jesus—the very Savior who Christians believe died for the sins of the world—was an advocate for sexual immorality. In one image, Jesus is shown beckoning gay men to join Him in heaven, with the claim that He is ‘cool with homosexuality.’ But it goes even further—UPS has allowed depictions of Jesus Christ engaged in homosexual acts, presenting Him as a willing participant in acts that directly contradict His teachings.

These aren’t just artistic expressions—they are calculated, deliberate attacks on the very foundation of Christian faith. Imagine the pain and outrage that such blasphemy causes for believers who hold Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. It’s not just offensive; it’s a direct assault on everything sacred to millions of people.

But it doesn’t stop with blasphemy. UPS is engaged in a full-scale war on the Church itself. They are bankrolling many false gospels, a false Christ, and movements such as the Rainbow Christ movement and the radical homosexual-affirming church movement, which distort the teachings of Jesus Christ to fit their own agendas. UPS supports the “queering of Christ,” an attempt to twist the image of the Savior into something that aligns with their radical, morally bankrupt ideologies.

UPS also supports organizations like the Marxist Jim Wallis’ Sojourners, which preach a false gospel that distorts Christian teachings to align with radical leftist ideologies. They funnel vast sums of money into Marxist organizations that seek to overthrow America as we know it, with several of its management people sitting on these racist organizations’ boards. These groups push for the dismantling of our Constitution and promote radical ideologies that stand against everything this country was built upon—faith, family, and freedom.

UPS’s involvement in these Marxist movements is part of a larger agenda to undermine our nation’s Christian and liberty foundations. They are funding efforts to erode religious freedoms and silence the voice of the Church in the public square. By supporting these radical groups, UPS is directly contributing to the rise of anti-Christian sentiment, anti-Semitism and the destruction of our traditional values.

UPS’s actions don’t stop there. Their woke agenda extends to waging a cultural war against white people within the company through their Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) policies. This is not about equality—this is about division. UPS has embraced the toxic doctrines of Critical Race Theory (CRT) and “white privilege” and “white guilt” indoctrinating employees into believing that their worth is defined by the color of their skin rather than their character and their contributions.

UPS’s DEI policy claims to promote inclusivity, but in reality, it sows division, pitting employees against one another based on race. White employees are often treated as oppressors simply for existing, with the company pushing the narrative that “white privilege” is an inherent advantage. This doctrine, which has no basis in fact, is being used to shame, belittle, and discriminate against white employees.

What’s more, UPS supports organizations that actively promote the idea that America is an inherently racist country in need of radical overhaul. They fund groups that push Critical Race Theory in our schools, teaching our children to view themselves and their peers through the lens of race, rather than as individuals. UPS is pushing an agenda that does nothing to unite us—instead, it seeks to divide us further, all in the name of so-called “equity.”

This isn’t just about what we stand against—it’s about what we stand for. We stand for a future where our children are protected, where decency is respected, and where no company, no matter how powerful, can push dangerous agendas without being held accountable.

Whether you believe in God or not, whether you are deeply religious or simply someone who believes in doing what’s right, I believe we can all agree on the need to protect our kids, our values, and our nation from forces that seek to corrupt them.

UPS is also promoting deviant sexual behaviors—acts such as ‘fisting,’ ‘BDSM,’  and ‘water sports,’ which is where sexual partners urinate on one another and drink it, grotesque practices that have no place in the public square. And yet, they have proudly displayed these values in their company’s promotions, while celebrating ‘Pride Month’ and elevating the radical trans movement within their organization and around the globe.

I understand that speaking out may cost me my job. I know I could be fired, sued, or face retribution from powerful entities like the Teamsters union—a group with a long history of using intimidation and violence. But I cannot stand by and do nothing. Out of 481,000 employees at UPS, I am the only one who has had the courage to speak up. And I am doing this because I believe in protecting what matters most—our children, our communities, and our future.

I cannot speak for God, but I trust that He will deliver whatever judgment He deems just upon those involved in these actions. But we, too, have a responsibility. Whether you are a Christian, a parent, or simply a moral person who cares about the future of this country, I encourage you to speak out as well.

We must demand that UPS’s CEO, Carol Tomé, be held accountable and fired for her role in these decisions. We must call for the resignation of Teamsters General President Sean O’Brien, and we must demand accountability from the board members and the general executive board of the Teamsters who have enabled these acts. They cannot be allowed to continue using their power and influence to harm our children and tear apart the fabric of our society.

Let me be clear—this goes beyond religion and politics. UPS is also funding radical climate change agendas designed to strip you of your freedoms, including your right to drive a car, and they are rabid proponents of open borders, bankrolling organizations that seek to dismantle our national sovereignty. They are even pouring money into gun control agendas that aim to undermine your Second Amendment rights.

If we don’t put a stop to this corporate overreach, this assault on decency, morality, and basic rights, we are doomed as a nation. But we can stand together, and we can fight back.

This fasting campaign—call it a boycott or a stand for what’s right—is about much more than social media. We must use every tool available to us: our email contacts, our phone and text contacts, our mailing lists, and most importantly, word of mouth. We need to engage our communities, our churches, and the people around us in this effort to decimate the anti-American, woke agenda that threatens everything we hold dear.

I seek nothing for myself in this. I never wanted to be in this position, but God placed this on my heart, and I chose to obey Him. Whatever the outcome—whether these entities are destroyed or brought to repentance—it is entirely up to Him. I am simply a vessel doing His work.

Let me leave you with this: the evidence for these claims is undeniable. UPS’s involvement in these agendas is clearly documented in IRS 990 filings of their philanthropic arms, the Annie E. Casey Foundation and the UPS Foundation. They are using vast sums of money to undermine America, destroy our children, and erode the freedoms that we cherish. All of this evidence is available for you to view on this website.

So, I urge you—whether you are a Christian or simply someone who values what is good and just—join me in this fast. Let us refuse to do business with these companies until they turn from their wicked ways. We will not tolerate the blasphemy, immorality, and destruction of our nation’s values.

And for those of you who believe, I ask that you pray to God that His will be done in all of this. Whatever the outcome, may it be according to His divine plan.

Thank you, and may God bless you as you stand with us in this sacred cause.


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