Canceling Carol

Unveiling the Blasphemous War on God and America: UPS and the Teamsters’ Unholy Alliance.

In the whirlwind of the past two-years, James R. Earls, a 36-year feeder driver, has fearlessly traversed the murky waters of corporate corruption, religious discrimination, and cultural upheaval. With unyielding determination, he has uncovered the sinister underbelly of United Parcel Service (UPS) and the Teamsters Union, shining a searing spotlight on their complicity in the erosion of America’s values and the marginalization of Christian beliefs. From the insidious infiltration of woke ideology within the highest echelons of corporate power to the shocking betrayal of the very workers they claim to represent, Earls leaves no stone unturned in his quest for truth and justice.

Author, James R. Earls

As the pages of this gripping narrative unfold, readers are drawn into a world where the forces of political correctness and cultural Marxism collide with the timeless principles of faith, freedom, and patriotism. Amidst this tumult, Earls exposes the disturbing trend of the homosexualization of Jesus Christ, revealing how this blasphemous distortion of religious iconography has been cynically exploited to further both UPS and the Teamster’s Union’s radical leftist agenda. Furthermore, he delves into the deep ties between UPS and organizations like the Annie E. Casey Foundation and the UPS Foundation, revealing the shocking truth of philanthropic laundering – the funneling of corporate money into anti-God, anti-America, and pro-homosexual radical movements.

Through meticulous research and compelling storytelling, Earls unveils the pervasive influence of these agendas, exposing the insidious tactics employed to silence dissent and enforce conformity. Yet, amidst the darkness, a beacon of hope emerges as Earls calls upon Americans to stand firm against the onslaught of tyranny, to reclaim their heritage, and to defend the sacred values upon which this great nation was built. In this riveting account of courage and conviction, James R. Earls offers not only a scathing indictment of corporate malfeasance but also a rallying cry for all who cherish the ideals of liberty and justice for all. And from a biblical worldview, he challenges UPS’s CEO and the Teamsters General President to seek redemption and reconciliation with God before facing the ultimate reckoning.


Published by Earls Holding Company, LLC.

377 Pages with Images Embedded of Selected Evidence

© 2024

All Rights Reserved


Download Courtesy Copy of Two Chapters to Read  

Media Kit for Download

Complete Evidence Cache used to Write the Book for Download

Anti-White, CRT, and DEI Financing and Policies of UPS Evidence Download

Read the complaint letter to President Joe Biden over the discrimination for being a Christian worker, his response in defense of the homosexual pride celebration, and the homosexualization of Jesus Christ.

Download the links to the radical organizations that UPS finances such as those that promote children access to abortion, Pro-Child LGBTQ, pro-child transgenderism,  pro-child sex education, anti-White supremacy, pro-illegal immigration, CRT, DEI, racism, anti-White, anti-Christian, the queering of Jesus Christ, the radical homosexual affirming church movement, false gospel promotion, false-Christ promotion, Earth (Gain) worship, witchcraft and Satanism, anti-Trump movement, reparations, anti-Semitism, all of the Marxist “justice movements,” anti-American organizations, open borders, and many others.

A few of the products that UPS and the Teamsters supported, promoted and defended blaspheming Jesus Christ and discriminating against Christians that led to the writing of this book.

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