UPS Cancel Campaign and War on God Evidence

American Family News Asks, “What Can Brown Do For Christians?”


Other Websites that are also carrying the story about me battling UPS and the Teamsters over their war against God, Christians and the homosexualization of Jesus Christ.

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Rather Expose Them Christian News BlogThe State of the Union

Meet the Axis of Blasphemy

The Axis of Blasphemy comprises the President of the United States, Joe Biden, United Parcel Service’s CEO, Carol Tome’, and the International Brotherhood of Teamsters union general president, Sean O’Brien.

The three godless members of this axis from hell received this designation for their war and discrimination against Christian workers and Christian Teamster union members at United Parcel Service. Sean O’Brien deceitfully touts publicly to be in the “game” of protecting the rights of all workers.

Yet, he and the Teamsters Union sided with UPS’s CEO to protect and defend the homosexualization of Jesus Christ and the blasphemous lie that Jesus Christ is a “giver” in the act of sodomy with another man. Sean O’Brien promotes and protects the homosexual members of the Teamsters Union while protecting and engaging in the discrimination against Christians at UPS that sought to have an equal month of representation and celebration for the Christian employees and rank-and-file members to showcase their Christian lifestyle. The entire story with evidence is found towards the bottom of this page.

Shockingly, Corporate Depravity Isn’t Found Only at United Parcel Service.

Maybe, if this depraved reprobate spent as much time on hiring qualified people instead

of Jitterbugging to Abba’s “Dancing Queen” in-between running Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion,

scams to the detriment of American safety he wouldn’t have had a pressurized door blow off

of a Boeing 737 Max 9 at 16,00o feet with 177 people onboard Alaska Flight 1282 on 1-8-24.

Have you ever thought about what must a person do to join the Masonic Lodge? Most sane people don’t. I don’t. I don’t believe in all of this conspiracy theorist crap. However, UPS does, which is evident with their philanthropic arm, the UPS Foundation, financing an organization called the Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine. And, since a serious, global, world-renown corporation, one that delivers over 6% of the United States GDP, believes in it, well, let’s just go along with UPS and take a look into this crack-pot belief of theirs.

For those who do not know, the membership process is when the truly occult nature of Freemasonry begins to reveal itself. To begin, each prospective Mason must go through an initiation process where they are blindfolded, with a noose placed around their neck, and led, with a sword to their chest, into the inner room of the Lodge where an altar is set up. Behind the altar stands a man called “The Worshipful Master.” He is the master of the Lodge and presides over the initiation ceremony. All prospective Masons will bow down before “The Worshipful Master” and say the following, “I am lost in darkness, and I need the light of Freemasonry.”

Following this declaration, the initiate is required to take a blood oath, swearing allegiance to the Lodge and pledging to protect all of the secrets of Masonry. This blood oath, repeated by every Mason who has joined the Lodge goes like this, “Binding myself under no less a penalty than having my throat cut across, my tongue torn out by its roots, and buried in the rough sands of the sea…” Blood oaths such as this one are not limited to the initiation ceremony but are repeated at each new degree as the Mason progresses through the secrets of Freemasonry.

Then there’s the trademark red hats called a fez that the Shriners, an offshoot of the Masonic Lodge, wear. However, there is a bit more behind the Fez hat and its origins than you think.

“The Fez itself is an example of this double meaning behind most of Freemasonry’s facade. Worn and even carried to the grave with pompous dignity, the history of the Fez is barbaric and anti-Christian. In the early 8th century, Muslim hordes overran the Moroccan city of Fez, shouting, “There is no god but Allah and Mohammad is his prophet.” There, they butchered approximately 50,000 Christians.

These men, women, and children were slain because of their faith in Christ, all in the name of Allah, the same demon god to whom every Shriner must bow, with hands tied behind his back, in worship, proclaiming him the god of his fathers in the Shrine initiation. Remember that the Allah of Islam is not just another name for God. Allah is the name of another god. In usual occult fashion, the initiate swears that he will be inseparably obligated to this “most powerful and binding oath”, in advance, and that he may NEVER retract or depart from it.

During the butchering of the people of Fez, the streets literally ran red with the blood of the martyred Christians. The Muslim zealots dipped their caps in the blood of their victims as a testimony to Allah. These blood-stained caps eventually were called Fezzes and became a badge of honor for those who killed a Christian. The Shriners wear that same red Fez today. The greatest tragedy is that the Fez is often worn by men who profess to be Christians themselves. It must cause God to weep.“ (Ed Decker, The Question Of Freemasonry, 326-333 (Kindle Edition); Issaquah, WA; Saints Alive In Jesus)

There Isn’t any “Sanitized” Version of the Demonic.

The War on God in America Is Real: Get Ready for Divine Retribution

The timing is right for those who are the enemies of God to make their move. It is without question that the United States was blessed with a constitution founded on principles with divine inspiration, a testament to God’s unwavering endorsement of freedom and the fundamental human right of people having free will to choose to either serve God or not. Here in America we have sat back and watched in silence and the American Mafia State in OUR government has diligently limited our individual rights, fueled by a blood lust desire for inverted totalitarian authority in the realm of governance. Read the Excellent News Article Here.

“Appallingly, churches are moving beyond gay rights, even beyond transgender acceptance, and venturing into the realm of “queer theology.” Rather than merely settling for the acceptance of gender-nonconforming people within existing marital norms and social expectations, queer theology questions heterosexual assumptions and binary gender norms as limiting, oppressive and anti-biblical, and centers queerness as the redemptive message of Christianity.”

American Churches Are Eerily Silent When the Country Needs Them Most.

Can anyone explain the sudden rise of Unitarian and progressive groups making a mockery of churches and co-opting Christian ceremonies to include woke propaganda, LGBT Marxism, and moral relativism? Where is the organized response from Christians on this development? Here are the facts of the story.

The War Against Christians in America is REAL!

What’s at stake here in this war is that not only corporations like UPS are waging against Christians and our rights, but the very federal government, the entity of the people that have sworn an oath on the Bible to protect our rights. The government has sided with the LGBTQ community in the war against Christians. Therefore, what I am fighting for is in defense of ALL Americans who have had their Christian voices silenced in the workplace.

“The FBI relied on the Southern Poverty Law Center, which is a leftist smear group that has repeatedly labeled conservative evangelicals as ‘bigots,’ ‘Christian Nationalists and ‘fascists.” Source: Gary Bauer

Other news stories exposing this war against Jesus Christ and Christians in America: (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13)

Government documents exposing the war on Jesus Christ and Christians: (1, 2, 3)

SERMON 1: UPS and the Teamster’s Blasphemy and Mocking of Jesus Christ and Christians throughout the World.

Here is the Evidence Proving that UPS promotes Jesus Christ being a homosexual engaged as the “giver” in the act of Sodomy with another man. Also, the Lord Jesus Christ welcomes homosexual men into heaven and beacons them to join him in heaven and He is accepting of the homosexual lifestyle. (Here is the Link)

Joe Biden was Contacted HERE and Biden’s Response is HERE.

Correspondence Sent to Carol Tomé, UPS’s CEO

Here are the letters with proof of delivery via USPS-certified mail and evidence to Carol Tome’. (Letters July 13, 2022, July 14, 2022, August 12, 2022, August 20, 2022, August 30, 2022, ) (Evidence for Letters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

The first grievance that was filed.

Grievances that were Filed

Here are the grievances that I filed with Teamsters Local 402. (0, 1, 2, 3, 4) Here is the Master Grievance Evidence.

Contacted by Carol Tomé’s Personal Assistant

Here is the call log from, Carol Tome’s assistant calling on behalf of UPS’s CEO to try and smooth all this out.

Correspondence sent to Teamsters General President

Here are the letters to Teamster general president Sean O’Brien. Proof of delivery

Rebuking UPS and the Teamster’s Union’s Mockery and Blasphemy of Jesus

What I was asking UPS for were two things. The first was that UPS gave me, as a follower of Jesus Christ, and those employees who share my beliefs in the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ the same respect and have UPS showcase our heterosexual lifestyle choice, along with our marriage to the opposite sex, one man to one woman, two sexes, male and female, and how the Lord Jesus Christ has worked in our lives and saved us from hell even though we are all degenerate sinners deserving of the deepest, darkest pits of hell.

The disgusting portrayal of Jesus Christ that both UPS and the Teamsters defended.

The second thing that I asked for was that UPS sever ties with an LGBTQ company named Gay Pride Calendar that sold merchandise depicting Jesus Christ as a homosexual and a sodomizer of men.

The link to this LGBTQ company is contained on UPS’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion website using the embedded link Attend a Pride Parade or Event, which employees access as well as the public.

“Power Bottom” for Jesus means that Jesus is engaged as the giver in the act of sodomizing another man.

The company sold products that had Jesus as a homosexual in heaven calling for “Can I get a Gay Man Up here,” “Ah men” and other vile blasphemies against the Lord Jesus.

The worst was the product that depicted Jesus as sodomizing a power bottom.” (WARNING: the following link is vile and descriptive. Use your caution.) In LGBTQ nomenclature, a power bottom is a homosexual man that is on the bottom as another man, which in this case alludes that Jesus is performing anal sex on him. The power bottom is supposed to be “powerful and in control” of the act.

Other religious LGBTQ people claim that God is transgendered. I sincerely apologize for that vile portrayal, but I had to let it be known what we Christians are up against. This association and promotion did not bother UPS.


The company that UPS promotes, protects, and supports pushing the “Jesus is a sodomizer of men” and a homosexual.  


UPS’s promotion and support of Satanic and deviant sexual perversions and lifestyles.

UPS and the Teamsters Union support vile sexual perversions and alternative lifestyles such as “Fisting,” which the Obama administration was involved in a sexual scandal at a high school, which was aptly named “Fistgate.” Despite the Obama Administration supporting the act of “fisting,” there are severe dangers to the body that could result. Other perversions include, “urinating on one another and drinking a partner’s urine,” “BDSM,” “puppy play” and a host of other degenerate acts.  This was discussed in the grievance dated June 12, 2022





For anyone that does NOT know what all the various LGBTQ+ terms mean, well, it just so happens that UPS’s philanthropic arm, the Annie Casey Foundation provides that to you: HERE


Puppy Play Perversion


Watersports, also known as “Urophilia” and “Golden Showers.”


The very popular grooming activity for toddlers –“Drag.”

The degrading sexual perversion is known as BDSM or Bondage.


Unsurprisingly, GLSEN was also involved in the Fistgate Scandal. The Family Research Council writes:

GLSEN and “Fistgate”
GLSEN, which promotes homosexual clubs and the homosexual lifestyle in high schools,
middle schools and grade schools and is the driving force behind the annual “Day of
Silence” celebration of homosexuality.

“The most notorious education scandal involving homosexual activists is a GLSEN sponsored conference that occurred on March 25, 2000, dubbed ‘Fistgate’ by conservatives. Three homosexual activists employed by the Massachusetts Departments of Health and Education led a youth workshop titled ‘What They Didn’t Tell You About Queer Sex & Sexuality in Health Class’ — part of the annual Boston-GLSEN ‘Teach Out’ conference held at Tufts University. The ‘Queer Sex’ session, advertised to ‘youth only ages 14 to 21,’ was attended by Massachusetts family advocate Scott Whitemen, who taped it while standing in the back of the room.

In the workshop, instructor Michael Gaucher, prompted by a teen’s question, verbally guided the students on the mechanics of ‘fisting’ — a homosexual slang term for a sadistic sex act in which a man inserts his hand and arm into another person’s anal cavity.

Another instructor, Margot Abels, said fisting ‘often gets a really bad rap,’ and described it innocuously as ‘an experience of letting somebody into your body that you want to be that close and intimate with.’ Abels and Gaucher also guided the students on techniques of oral sodomy and lesbian sex.”–Source: Family Research Council.

SERMON 2: The Catalyst at UPS

On, or about, July 2022, I filed the first of several grievances with Teamsters Local 402 to protest the religious observance of Pride Month at the UPS facility in Madison, Alabama.

UPS has plastered the Pride month celebration, which is held to be a religious practice utilized during Mass and taking the Eucharist, and even in some cases worshiping the Rainbow flag. This ritual is associated with LGBTQ worship by many of the Rainbow queer Christ and Erotic Christ worshipers.

The grievance, which can be read here on this website, was NOT asking for the elimination of the month-long Pride celebration for the LGBTQ right to observe their religious celebration. The month-long Pride celebration is similar to how the Muslim faith observes Ramadan during the entire 9th month of the year.

UPS also is into the glorification and elevation of transgenderism within the company and outside the company. For example, UPS, via the Annie E. Casey Foundation (AECF), bankrolls a public interest law firm pushing the LGBTQ+ agenda called LAMBDA.

Another example exposing just how all of these radical LGBTQ+ organizations are closely knit and working in conjunction with one another is the GLSEN and GLAAD connection to both the Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFoA) and the Sexuality Information and Education Council of the U.S. (SIECUS). SIECUS calls on advocates and policymakers to require and fund LGBTQ-inclusive sex education, which UPS, via the Annie E. Casey Foundation, bankrolls both these additional radical groups as well. 


                                                                                          AECF Form 990 payment to SIECUS



                                                                                   Additional AECF Form 990 payment to SIECUS.


For all the Pro-Choicers, you need to watch an abortion to understand why you are called devils. View the abortion video here.


 (Left) The destroyed skull and almost severed head of an aborted baby about to be tossed into a trash can. (Right) A Jewish baby murdered by Hitler’s Nazis during World War Two in a trash pit with other remains. WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE?!!!!



The body of a murdered baby via the saline abortion method where the precious baby was burned alive on the inside of its lungs and the outside of its body.


AECF Form 990 award to Planned Parenthood and to a second abortion organization called the National Family Planning and Reproductive Health Association.


  Another abortion organization that’s funded by UPS via the AECF is the Alan Guttmacher Institute.


The Teamsters union bosses covertly support abortion by donating members’ dues money to a racistpro-abortionistfalse teachers like Al “Big MoneySharpton and his National Action Network (NAN).


                                                                         Screenshot of Planned Parenthood website.

UPS and Annie’s Proxy War Via the Southern Poverty Law Center

United Parcel Service bankrolls the war against Christians and conservative patriots in America via the Annie E. Casey Foundation grants to the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), a radical left-wing organization. SPLC news stories: (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

For example, the SPLC has a problem with the AFA posting this position about homosexuality:

“Homosexuality is not only harmful to homosexuals themselves, but also to children and to society.”
— Stephen Bennett, AFA writer, 2004.

If you have a problem with homosexuality being harmful to themselves, children, and society, then according to the SPLC, you would be labeled as a member of a “hate group.” The SPLC has filed lawsuits forcing states to recognize the abominable same-sex marriage movement, and anti-conversion therapies, in which the teachings of the Bible and the works of the church are considered “conversion therapy apparatuses.”

The targeting of Christian groups that are against the Sodomite agenda of the LGBTQ+ movement by the demonic SPLC and their lies. 

The truth about a few of the Christian groups targeted by the SPLC can be read directly from each of their websites. (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

UPS bankrolls group, the SPLC, that Promotes Explicit Sex Book to Elementary Students, Says 2-Year-Olds Can Know They Are Transgender

“The guide discusses pronouns, sex education, and policies surrounding cross-sex access to sports and bathrooms.

It also promotes a number of books, including one intended for children and written by Cory Silverberg, the founder of a “beginner’s sex store” and a leader in the leftist sex education movement.

Under the section titled “The LGBTQ Library,” the SPLC’s Learning for Justice promotes Silverberg’s book, titled “Sex is a Funny Word,” for elementary school students.” Source: Breitbart

Here is the guide that the SPLC promoted.

                                                                                        Annie E. Casey Foundation 990


Here are two samples of the Annie E. Casey Foundation 990s showing their financial support to the Southern Poverty Law Center.  (1, 2) Here is an example of the UPS stock allocation

UPS’s Woke CEO

I wrote several letters to the UPS CEO, Carol Tome’, asking her to cease this discriminatory attack against followers of Jesus Christ, according to UPS’s (her) woke policy “Not In Our House” this very harassment and creation of a hostile work environment was not to occur. However, it persisted unabated. She did nothing.

The grievance was heard and all five were held over to go to the panel. The panel sided with UPS because they too, under the leadership of Sean O’Brien are pushing the very same woke policies and support for the radical LGBTQ members of the Teamsters. Here is the LGBTQ Caucus on parade. They too are being named in the suit.

I performed a search for the term “Jesus Christ on the IBT website and the UPS website and it returned nothing.

This is a small sample of the radical anti-Christian and anti-American racist organizations funded by the Teamsters Union through the years. All data is taken straight for the DOL-required LM-2 filings.

Here is a small sampling of the anti-Christian and anti-American racist organizations that UPS bankrolls via the Annie E. Casey Foundation and the UPS Foundation. All data is taken from IRS-required 990 filings throughout the years.

For those interested, UPS is a financier of George Soros’ Open Society Institute via the Annie E. Casey Foundation throughout the years. Here is some more evidence regarding UPS’s connection to the anti-American George Soros.

Here is a small sampling of evidence exposing UPS’s major role as a member of the World Economic Forum.

Is this the Source of UPS’s mockery and hatred of Jesus Christ…their membership in the WEF?


         Screenshot of the World Economic Forum (WEF) website confirming UPS’s membership.



 The 2022 attendee list to the WEF meeting in Davos listed UPS’s CEO, Carol Tome, and Laura Lane.



                                                                  UPS’s CEO’s WEF membership



                                                  UPS EVP, Kate Gutmann serves in the WEF hierarchy.

Penelope Naas of UPS is also a co-chair of a WEF committee and plays an active part in the WEF. 

Here is Dr. Yuval Hurari, a devout homosexual, and the right-hand man of the World Economic Forum’s founder and chief officer Klaus Schwab. The World Economic Forum (WEF) has said that there is no God, that Jesus is “fake news,” and that soon they, meaning the WEF, will be beyond the God of the Bible, turn humans into gods and cheat death, “we don’t have to wait for Christ’s second coming to overcome death, a couple of geeks in a laboratory with enough time and money can do it,” “that God is dead and it just takes a while to get rid of the body,” and that WEF leaders have gained divine powers to rule over humanity.






Here is another anti-Jesus Marxist organization that UPS has a history of bankrolling via the Annie E. Casey Foundation called Sojourners.

Here is another one that UPS has a history of bankrolling called The Ancient Egyptian Arabic Order Nobles Mystic Shrine of North and South America where Lucifer (Satan) is praised.

Additionally, here is a sample of documents regarding UPS and the Teamsters bankrolling other racist, America-hating organizations, some of which are calling for reparations and an end to white privilege while pushing the Marxist racist Critical Race Theory doctrine such as the WEF.

The Truth Behind the Rainbow Flag

Despite being proudly observed as a symbol of hate and evil, much like the Confederate battle flag and the Nazi Swastika, the Rainbow flag is used as a flag of blasphemy by the Satanic Temple to attack Christian churches. Also, the Rainbow flag is used by the fringe elements of the radical LGBTQ community in cases of them attacking and assaulting street preachers.

Ask yourself this question: “Would UPS fly either the Confederate battle flag or the Nazi Swastika in their facilities or showcase it on their website, social media, training computers, and inter-building communication screens?”


Training room computer with Pride celebration screen.


One of several large monitors hanging throughout the UPS facility in Madison, AL. employee portal website.


Here is a video of the employee portal website page depicting the celebration of the Homosexual Pride Religious Celebration month.

The argument that the Rainbow flag is being supposedly “misused” by a small percentage of the LGBTQ population is moot and invalid chiefly because the same can be said about the Confederate battle flag, which a larger percentage of the southern population considers the “rebel” flag to be a part of their southern heritage.

Nonetheless, UPS wouldn’t fly either flag. Then why do they choose to fly the Rainbow Flag? I don’t know, but I will find out her excuse when I depose UPS’s CEO Carol Tome’.

Defending their Rights Even While They Are Intolerant and Bigoted

Again, even though I find the flag to be offensive, I never asked UPS to stop displaying the Rainbow flag. I proclaimed the right of the religious elements and the radical elements of the LGBTQ community at UPS to be able to observe their religious holiday celebration and according to Gilbert Baker, the creator of the Rainbow flag, “Now the rioters who claimed their freedom at the Stonewall Bar in 1969 would have their own symbol of liberation,” which UPS also glorifies and celebrates the violence of the Stonewall Rar riots on the bottom of their website.

Proving the Rainbow flag is a Satanic Ritual Object and used for Magic

In as much as the Rainbow flag is a symbol of not only hate but is also used during satanic and Pagan religious rituals. Its creator, Gilbert Baker, a gay man, and drag queen, explained what the colors of the flag represented. A band of hot pink (representing sexuality) ran across the top of the flag in the original scheme, followed by red (which stood for life), then by orange (for healing), yellow (sunlight), green (nature), turquoise (magic), indigo (serenity), and violet (spirit) at the bottom.

So, UPS is promoting a religious symbol that involves magic, nature, and spirit but refuses to provide de minimis accommodation to the followers of Jesus. I am not asking UPS to promote a flag of hatred and paganism. I just want my, and other like-minded employees, Christian lifestyle to be showcased for one month and nothing else. I want equality and I want my human rights to cease being violated by a CEO that hypocritically proclaims to be a human rights champion. I even offered to meet with the CEO and discuss the Gospel with her and lead her to Christ.

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