Surrendering the Fight to Christ: Trusting the Lord to Lead This Battle

In the two-year journey that has brought me to the heart of this campaign against UPS and its corporate complicity in radical movements, I’ve learned one invaluable truth: this fight is not mine to win. It belongs to God.

At the beginning of this journey, I thought the fight would require advocacy from high-profile individuals, public pressure, and strategic efforts. I believed that if I worked hard enough and gathered enough evidence, I could force the world to listen. But as I’ve walked this path, I’ve realized that no amount of human effort or worldly influence will determine the outcome. Only God can lead this battle.

Surrendering It All to Christ

What God has taught me through this process is simple, yet profound: I must surrender it all. Every document I’ve collected, every piece of evidence, every word I’ve written—it all pales in comparison to the power of Jesus Christ. I’ve had to lay my own pride and expectations bare at His feet, trusting Him to carry the burden and to lead me in this fight.

It’s not easy to relinquish control, especially when you’re fighting for what you believe is right. But through prayer and reflection, I’ve come to understand that God’s strength is made perfect in our weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9). Where I am limited, He is limitless. Where I am uncertain, He is steadfast. And when the forces of the world seem overwhelming, His power is beyond measure.

Letting the Lord Lead

This journey has brought me to a place where I can truly say that I am no longer fighting this battle alone. I have given it all to the Lord, and I trust that He will fight for me. He will not be mocked, and He will not allow His people to be defeated. Scripture reminds us: “The battle is not yours, but God’s.” (2 Chronicles 20:15)

I believe with every fiber of my being that God is in control of this campaign and that His will shall prevail. No matter what happens, I have peace in knowing that the Lord goes before me and will see His justice done. This isn’t just a battle against a corporation; it’s a spiritual battle for truth, faith, and the future of our children and nation.

Letting Go of Worldly Dependence

Through this journey, I’ve learned to stop relying on my own strength—or the strength of any outside advocate—and instead to depend on God’s might. Whether this campaign gains the support of public figures or not, I am fully at peace knowing that the outcome is in God’s hands. I am not seeking control, glory, or recognition. All I seek is for the power of God to be displayed for the world to see.

I’ve already seen how God moves in ways that are beyond comprehension, opening doors that seemed shut and providing clarity where there was confusion. In this moment, as the campaign is set to kick off on November 1, 2024, I walk forward with confidence—not in myself, but in the Lord who fights for me.

Trusting the Lord’s Plan

As we face trials and battles in life, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed, but my journey through this fight has taught me the ultimate lesson of surrender. God’s plan is greater than anything I could ever orchestrate, and in surrendering the fight to Him, I have found peace.

I invite you, whether you’re facing personal challenges or walking with me in this campaign, to lay your burdens at the feet of Jesus Christ. Trust in Him to lead. He has never failed, and He never will. This battle is not ours—it belongs to the Lord Almighty.

Let us all rest in His promise, knowing that He goes before us, and He will lead us to victory in ways only He can.

James R. Earls
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About James R. Earls

James Roger Earls is an avid reader, professional rabble rouser, and most important of all—a devout follower of Jesus Christ that calls it like he see's it. He enjoys hunting, fishing, auctions and spending time with his family. He grew up in Alabama and has worked for UPS as a feeder driver for almost 36-years. He has been an organizer for Teamsters Local 402, chief union steward, the former Gulf Coast Regional Director of the Association of Parcel Workers of America. He holds a Bachelors of Science in Computer Science and a second degree in Human Resource Management. He is the author of The Washington Mafioso’s UPSgate and he is planning on publishing the second book in the Domestic Enemy Incorporated series named Power Bottom for Satan: United Parcel Service and the International Brotherhood of Teamsters’ Satanic War against the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, Children and America.

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