The Teamsters Have Sold Out Their Christian Members: A War Between Good and Evil

The betrayal we are witnessing today within the Teamsters Union is not just about favoritism or neglect; it’s part of a far deeper and more profound war—a war with only two sides: Good and Evil. On one side stands God, representing truth, faith, and righteousness. On the other stands the devil, cloaked in deceit, destruction, and the moral decay of our institutions. The Teamsters Union, under the leadership of Sean O’Brien, has firmly planted itself on the wrong side of this war.

For years, Christians within the union have fought for their right to work in an environment that respects their faith and values. Yet, time and again, these Christian workers have been abandoned. The Teamsters, a union supposedly built on principles of unity and fairness, have instead aligned themselves with the forces of moral corruption, supporting agendas that directly oppose God’s teachings. What does that tell you? This is no longer about worker protection—it’s about taking sides in a spiritual war.

Those Teamsters who claim to fight for “equal protection” have shown their true colors. They boast about their strength, about standing up for the rights of workers. Yet when it comes to defending their Christian brothers and sisters, where are they? Silent. Cowardly. Hypocritical. These so-called “strong” union members are either too afraid to speak out or too content to turn their backs on the very Christian values they claim to uphold. And let’s not forget—they supposedly own this union. It’s their voice that should dictate the policies and direction, yet they cower before leadership that sells out their Christian members in favor of radical, anti-Christian agendas.

The Teamsters, which should be fighting to ensure that every member—regardless of faith—receives equal protection, have instead chosen to protect and elevate homosexual members while allowing the discrimination against Christians to run rampant. UPS, with the backing of the Teamsters, finances radical causes that stand in direct opposition to God’s word—supporting the transgender movement targeting children, bankrolling adolescent abortion services, and even funding apostate churches that spit in the face of Christian doctrine. Where is the outcry from the union members who claim to value equality and fairness? They are either too cowardly to speak, or worse, complicit in the betrayal.

This is a spiritual war, and the Teamsters have chosen their side. They’ve turned away from God and embraced the devil’s agenda, aiding and abetting the forces of darkness in their mission to undermine Christianity at every turn. UPS, under the protection of the union, has been allowed to discriminate openly against Christian workers, while the Teamsters leadership does nothing but cheer on the very practices that are tearing down God’s truth.

For those Teamsters who continue to claim allegiance to the union while ignoring this spiritual betrayal—what are you really standing for? Your silence in the face of this blatant attack on Christians reveals your true nature: you are either cowards, afraid to confront a union that you should control, or hypocrites, happy to see your Christian brothers and sisters sacrificed for the sake of political expediency.

This war isn’t just happening in the workplace—it’s a battle for the soul of our country, for the very principles that have guided us since our founding. The Teamsters Union has thrown its lot in with the forces of evil, and it’s time for Christians to recognize that. There are no sidelines in this fight. You are either with God or you are against Him. And the Teamsters have made it abundantly clear which side they’re on. The question is, will Christian union members continue to allow themselves to be trampled underfoot, or will they rise and take a stand for truth, for faith, and for God?

There’s no middle ground in this battle. You are either fighting for God or helping the devil. It’s time for every Christian in the Teamsters to take a long, hard look at what their union is doing and where their loyalties truly lie. Will you continue to be cowards, afraid to speak out? Will you continue to be hypocrites, claiming to stand for God while allowing your union to march alongside the forces of moral decay? Or will you stand up for what is right and demand that the Teamsters return to protecting all workers—including the Christians they’ve betrayed?

The battle lines have been drawn, and the Teamsters have made their choice. The question now is: Will you?

James R. Earls
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About James R. Earls

James Roger Earls is an avid reader, professional rabble rouser, and most important of all—a devout follower of Jesus Christ that calls it like he see's it. He enjoys hunting, fishing, auctions and spending time with his family. He grew up in Alabama and has worked for UPS as a feeder driver for almost 36-years. He has been an organizer for Teamsters Local 402, chief union steward, the former Gulf Coast Regional Director of the Association of Parcel Workers of America. He holds a Bachelors of Science in Computer Science and a second degree in Human Resource Management. He is the author of The Washington Mafioso’s UPSgate and he is planning on publishing the second book in the Domestic Enemy Incorporated series named Power Bottom for Satan: United Parcel Service and the International Brotherhood of Teamsters’ Satanic War against the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, Children and America.
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